Last week I had 2 visits to our front door, unknown knockers. 1st one said he was meeting a friend, 'john wilkinson' there. And 2nd guy, days later, said he was there to 'buy a controller'.
Im a life long resident in my city, cant remember last time Ive had a wrong address unknown knocker, tho I know they occur. Now 2 in a week. We upped our security immediately, which was already pretty solid, but added 6 cameras.
It freaks me out for obvious reasons. Idk if theres an address spoofing scam going on or its casing. I dont believe it was just 2 random wrong addresses. Absolutely not. I read dozens of articles over the weekend on scams and both knockers stories were listed as examples to be sus of. And even without reading those duh. Come on. So Id say Im in a strong condition orange rn. Does anyone know of any scams going on that would include using addresses or has had experience with door knocking casing that you could offer input about?
A couple of thoughts on this.... first is that whenever I see someone with a fanny pack, I assume "gun" right then and there.... others may do the same, so just putting that out there for you to consider. Second, most Americans (and Europeans too for that matter) have been brought up to believe that we live in a civil, safe society.
The truth is that is a rare situation, as history and the rest of the world will show. Mankind has a long, long history of murder, genocide, and violence down to the individual level. We in the West have been blessed for the past few decades in that we have lived in relative peace and comfort, while the rest of the world lives in its natural state of violence, ignorance, poverty, and privation.
But I fear that blessed condition is about to come to an end, and players like BLM, Antifa, and the CCP want to make SURE it comes to an end. It's better, I think, to adopt an attitude that each of us are on our own, no one is coming to save us, and we are ultimately responsible for our own safety and security.
Thus the need to be armed is more of a necessity, rather than a privilege or a backup plan. For me, it's Plan A.
I wish you well in your own personal search for safety and security, and for those you are responsible for. If you ever want to see the real face of desperate people in times of great strife, read up on Selco (his eye-witness books about living through a civil war are on the internet) and also Matt Bracken. Develop your own Inner Barbarian and keep it well fed.... and Happy hunting.