Daily, flights from China and India continue to pour into Canada. Focus is mostly on B.C. and Quebec right now. CCP is looking to work with the United Nations under the guise of "liberation".
We are now at the precipice. If Canada falls, the free world will fall.
This is a call to action for every digital soldier. We need you on the frontlines, facebook, twitter, reddit, dropping every redpill you can to rip Canadians out of the matrix.
There is hordes of facts. Ontario and Canada is trying to push for martial law as the PCR cycles have been raised cases are used to terrify the population, while only 3% of those daily positive cases actually yield a positive.
We already have many adverse vaccine reactions, and most canadians do not want the vaccine. The media has been completely taken over by the communists.
The corrupt elite have been exposed.
We need you to step up to the plate now and help redpill every Canadian you can get your hands on.
The result of being "nice, polite".