Am I hearing this right? A “vaccinated” person who is near or in contact with someone not “vaccinated” can infect them with the “vaccine”? WTF?!! This is a colleague of Dr. Tenpenny saying this.
It looks like the YT version was deleted. The full title is “A Conversation with Maureen McDonnell and Dr. Lawrence Pelevsky discussing what might be going on”, by “That Tiffany Girl”. I opened up a FB Account last year strictly to be able to see stuff like this. I don’t accept friend requests (other that my husband’s), and never send anything. I don’t comment on anything on it. It is merely a Placeholder for me. There is NO information whatsoever on it.
That being said, I found another good bit of information about “The COVID Vaccine On Trial” featuring Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Pelevsky, et al. It doesn’t cover this exact information, but others on this site have provided some good sources. You can continue your research from here, if you wish.