I don't wear mask for the same reason I'm not going to call you 'they' or 'them'. Your delusion is not defining my reality. Thank you.
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I've tried time and time again to tell people it isn't real and they flat out REFUSE to believe it. It's almost as if they WANT it to be real.... odd.
when their friend/family member dies in the hospital and the doctors tell them it's covid it's a hard thing to believe that it's fake
They say because everyone is masked and social distancing. Then I say apply that same logic to Covid. Then they say Covid is more infectious and deadly. Then I said see FL and SD, and they say they are putting everyone in danger... I've had this same conversation and sequence over 100 times. They are brainwashed, I am done talking with masked do-gooders
If that is true then all the homeless should be dead.
This is the hardest argument to counter and although I have never actually encountered this situation irl, I don't think I could bring myself to mention that doctors and nurses are all complicit. Comes off as way too insensitive in this scenario and in the end you are pretty much forced to side with them
Unwittingly or not, this seems to be the case :( so much for those oaths.
This MSM influence on the population is one of the most powerful "spells" these fuckers employ, probably tied with taxation/debt slavery.
And these people are employees to a much bigger machine. They feel they must fall in line or lose their jobs
I'm 100% with you guys and I always tell them what I really think happened no matter how insensitive it comes off. In NYC i encountered this situation all the time - within the last month some of my friends have lost people in their 30s to "covid". I think our hospitals here are especially corrupt. At the end of the day to them I'm some guy with fringe Internet theories and they have people in white coats and fancy equipment telling them otherwise. I'm only trying to point out that for some people it goes a little beyond just listening to Fauci on the TV.
Nope I stand against every person who believes this is real. It's a spell that was cast and they are programmed to respond to spells.
Doctors are lieing. Cause of death ain't covid. It doesn't exist anywhere but the mind. The disease is fear.
Another group of fuck heads that need to be dealt with. Doctors who are either so stupid they believe this shit or they lie. I think it's stupidity which is a shame as those people are supposed to be intelligent. Turns out they are just programmed too. Any dumbass can do it if they have the money.