r/SuperStonk is getting triggered by the words Qanon and Conspiracy again but I spotted this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwvz2j/to_my_fellow_digital_soldiers/
Quoting in case it gets deleted.
r/Superstonk u/Mellivora_Caps
To my fellow digital soldiers... Opinion ? Either you autists have learned absolutely nothing since October 28th, 2017 or you're a bunch of newf*gs who need to go to the board and lurk until you're slightly less retarded.
Yes, I know the Reddit apes are fighting the same enemy and have gotten a taste of the mind-blowingly massive scope of this thing after the House of Cards DD. They'll figure out the rest of this shit in due time, so stop fucking with the process.
I also know that Q groups were booted from Reddit shortly before the creation of WSB, and the original founder (likely a bad actor) was pushed out shortly before the start of the GME operation. Did you stop to think that maybe that was by design? Do you recall that there are "no comms outside" of THE board? That would mean that u/RatioAtBlessons is, at best, another Austin Steinfart fucking retard and at worst a shill who's here to fuck this up. He probably actually is Steinfart, who recently got out of jail. If you're going to analyze his posts, take them over to /qresearch/ and maybe you can get your (you)s for the day. Don't fuck with the process here though. This has to develop organically and it is doing so rapidly. So again, shut the fuck up and let it happen.
Remember that sometimes people have to be shown the truth. These people have already realized that the entire economy is a scam and that the SEC is worthless (at best). They might make the connection soon that acting director of the SEC's enforcement division is one Melissa R. Hodgman who is married to Peter Paul Strzok II. From there, everything else connects fairly easily.
So again, to any ??? here among the ???, wear your fucking ape mask, shut up about Q, quietly help make connections, and act surprised when they uncover some shit you've known about for years. Ex #1: "OMG, I didn't know four of the richest and most influential people who were opposed to the creation of the Federal Reserve died on board the Titanic! That's crazy..."
Also buy and hodl GME because this is how we unfuck the financial system.
Seems to still be causing some fuss as this morning people are still asking "what was everyone freaking out about and why was the original poster suppressed? All we can see are the reactions but not the cause."