This song is not an original Doors song. The song was originally written by Willie Dixon in 1961. In Southern culture “back door man” is a reference to having an affair with a married woman. Husband goes out the front door, her lover comes in through the back door. Also, woman were commonly referred to as girls in the ‘60s.
There is also a conspiracy out there that Jim Morrison faked his death and later in life became Rush Limbaugh.
This song is not an original Doors song. The song was originally written by Willie Dixon in 1961. In Southern culture “back door man” is a reference to having an affair with a married woman. Husband goes out the front door, her lover comes in through the back door. Also, woman were commonly referred to as girls in the ‘60s.
There is also a conspiracy out there that Jim Morrison faked his death and later in life became Rush Limbaugh.
Lol to that last part.
This is the first I am hearing of this conspiracy but now I have to learn more lol
Deserves a dig for sure, can you imagine a 60 year old Rush dancing around a county fair stage singing "Come on baby, light my fire"? lol