Sorry in advance about the YT link, I'll pray tonight for my soul to be cleansed.
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You definitely do not understand the vast difference between "White Supremacy" and "White Separatism". I believe, as a White SEPARATIST that Whites and blacks should live their lives separate but equally as it is possible. White supremacist folks are zealots who, for whatever deluded reason,think they are superior to all others. Not so, The Creator made us all humans and endowed with physical and mental resources necessary to survive.
"Separate but equal" never turns out to be equal, which the Supreme Court figured out.
I believe that the reason black neighborhoods have more poverty, more crime and less achievement is because of terrible policies put in place by the Dems 50-60 years ago, as well as some elements of gang culture and rap music. It's the culture that is the problem, not the race. Q said that certain races are kept poor on purpose.
There are almost no problems in communities with Asian and White people, because Asians commit hardly any crime, work hard, believe in family values and stay away from gang culture. It's possible for different races to get along perfectly well, so long as they share the same culture and language.
On the other hand, if you simply take away one type of difference, people divide themselves in new ways. Back when America was 90% white, there was discord between Italians, Irish, Protestants and Jews. "No Irish need apply". People will just find different tribes to separate into instead of by race.
I believe that once the whole Q Operation is over, there will be zero problems between different races. Remember that division between black and white people was slowly dying off for decades, until Obummer poured fuel on the fire in his 2nd term.
However, the mass illegal migration into Europe is a case where the immigrants follow a vastly different culture that's not compatible with Western culture at all. Sharia Law is at odds with democracy/women's rights. That's why I think Europe should block all refugees. Only the best and the brightest who already speak the language should be allowed in.
I agree 100%.