posted ago by Suckmedry ago by Suckmedry +117 / -0

People say these audits don't matter or won't do anything. They most definitely matter. The fraud is being exposed.

People who say "I'm never voting again" are just making it easier for the left. Is that the smart thing to do? No. Like I've said plenty of times. Jovan Pulitzer is involved with the audit. He has systems. Why are these systems important? They're literally designed to detect fraud. Thats 2.1 million ballots they're auditing. That's huge. If all those ballots are for Trump, that's a win for us.

The Democrats are literally in panic mode right now. Why do you think they've literally tried everything to stop the audit from happening? They failed at everything they tried. They tried getting it stopped by a judge. They didn't have a million dollars to give up. People are so quick to just assume an outcome without even letting the process play out.

You all think nothing will ever come of it. Several local folks have already been arrested, pretty sure I shared the articles here already. You weed out the little guy first. They'll talk. They'll say who put them up to it. We can't save our country by just sitting around crying about it saying "nothing will happen." If you truly love your country, would you really be sitting around crying about a stolen election or are you gonna get up and do something about it? Get up and contact your state representatives, share your concerns about the election fraud, get a rally going, DO SOMETHING. Election fraud is treason. This is the United States of America. The freest country in the world. People come here for freedom. People come here for the American dream. This is our country. The government works for us, and it's time we start reminding them that.