I said alright accept my follow request so i can send you the proof that they are not over.
He goes " im reporting you for misinformation. Im not looking "
Im like alright cool
tags him in my story showing the trials aren't over
Right after that he litterally deletes all his comments and refuses to answer my dms
Never stop fighting against these people. I cant thank this site enough with providing me tools to help fight this digtal war. I never wouldve had the tools if it wasn't for you guys.
This is a list im sending to people of basic info about the "vaccine"
Vaccine makers are not liable meaning you cant sue them if something happens to you from the vaccine
Vaccine makers have aditmited that we are still in trials. Meaning we ARE the experiment.
They also admitted they dont know the effectiveness of the vaccine after 6 months
4.The vaccine was approved for emergency use. it has not been approved by the FDA
The vaccine makers have total immunity even when it isn’t EUA. My 5 year old dog was killed by a Pfizer drug 12 years ago. This drug kills thousands of dogs annually, the number of deaths are significantly underreported. The vet said my lab’s death was due to an underlying kidney condition but the necropsy proved otherwise. There have been multiple HUGE class action lawsuits against Pfizer because of this drug as that went nowhere because Pfizer is untouchable. I tell this to people when they praise in my face how heroic Pfizer is and I say killing 5 dogs a week is heroic? Oh and they say NOTHING.