Ok, so it’s a safe bet that the AZ audit will uncover massive fraud. And the consensus seems to be that that will trigger audits in other states, let’s say GA, WI, and MI all get there audits and show Trump won.
What would happen next? Would we see court cases to reassign delegates? A state by state legislative solution? If this lead to military involve The Who would pull the trigger so to speak?
And should I keep more than two weeks of emergency food and water handy?
Yes having another week of food and water would probably be useful. Maybe you won't need it but it does help you not worry as much.
Hopefully this will go like a movie and all you'll need is popcorn. But very few people know how that will work out specifically. It's also common to say it won't be for everyone so your area might need more supplies or have more hardship of some kind.