Watch this clip from TAXI DRIVER where the subject is child sex trafficking / Look for the MKUltra butterfly on the back wall and look for the word PIZZA over Pedo Bob DeNiro's right shoulder:
Bonus Clip: DeNiro's character (Travis) buys guns. Director Scorsese deliberately places the World Trade Center in the background of the scene.
If you recall, alleged Reagan shooter John Hinkley Jr. was obsessed with this film and of Jodie Foster, in particular. I believe this was a limited hangout story intended to distract from HW Bush's very close ties to the Hinkley Family and his role in the attempt. HW Bush's son Neil ( W's brother ) had dinner plans in Denver with Hinkley's brother, Scott, on the day of the attempt. This was reported on National TV that very night.
Bonus Content > Guess what City in the Hinkley family lived in at the time of the Reagan assassination attempt?
It’s filmed in NYC. Pizza places on every street almost. WTC in almost every movie, show, whatever based in NYC prior to 911. Also, was pizza even a thing before Comet Pizza?
Every shot in a movie is chosen and intended by the director. DeNiro is a KNOWN PEDOPHILE and lifelong friends with Scorsese.
Did you hear DeNiro call her 'a little piece of chicken', another pedo reference.
I see you did not address the rest of the post and how Foster and this movie tied into the Reagan assassination attempt.
Yeah. Part of the movie is about child prostitutes and trafficking. I don’t believe every single thing posted on here is real. I want to stay awake but I also don’t agree with every post blindly. Btw, I had pizza last night. And I own a red pair of red Converse sneakers that look pretty cute with a white t shirt, a red ball cap and big loop earrings. I’m a Christian, a mother, a wife, I live in the second most red state in America. And I’m smart and sensible enough not to believe every thing I read.
you're a concern troll without view of the larger picture. Your lame anecdotal comments about your shoes and eating pizza are proof of that.
yes... pizza references existed long before Comet, as this submission clearly shows.
DeNiro was implicated in a human trafficking ring in Paris in 1998.
I am certainly not a troll. I’m exactly who and what I posted. And I disagree with you. That’s it. No ill will, no trolling....I just disagree. It’s okay to disagree sometimes.
Quit thinking for yourself, ALL pizza consumption is code for kid diddling.
(is joke)
I’ll try harder. Lol