posted ago by Nice_n_tangy ago by Nice_n_tangy +28 / -0

Two weird stories have popped up in the same week regarding high schoolers supposedly having group chats joking about buying and selling black students at their schools. It's plausible that there are kids would who think that's funny, or who genuinely are racist, but the stories are... off.

  1. Traverse City, Michigan, April 22nd

Snapchat group chat called “slave trade”

'A group of kids were pretending to sell and buy kids of color around Traverse City as like slaves,' Navaeh said.She said she was made aware of the group chat by a friend.

“And then the next morning she was like ‘You were in it. They put your picture in the group chat and auctioned you off,’” Navaeh said. “I used to smile at them in the halls and then I see that they are saying terrible things behind a screen which is kind of hurtful, in a way.”

  1. Aledo, Texas, April 14th

Some parents in the Aledo Independent School District say the district has not done enough after it was discovered that a group of ninth-grade students pretended to buy and sell their Black peers in a SnapChat group called “Slave Trade,” that included labels with racial slurs and the words “auction” and “farm.”