I swear I've seen at least 2 links recently with studies showing that getting the vaccine actually increases your risk of getting Covid. I've been going through pages and pages in the search results and cannot find anything. Search engines are only yielding damage control propaganda saying it's not true. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
My sister in law and father are both about to fold because they think getting the shot will get us "back to normal".
Edit: Found one; https://greatawakening.win/p/12i4Mg3tAX/coronavirus-variant-affects-vacc/c/
I suspect the injection is covid itself. What makes covid so "deadly" is the spike protein, yet this shot is telling your body to mass produce these spike proteins. Does that make sense to anyone with common sense? Nope.
Nope. It's been about 13 months since ANYTHING they've tried to feed us made any sense.