The censorship that took place during and prior to election was beyond disgusting. So much has happened so fast it is hard to remember which way is up. I still remember instagram stopped all "recent" tags across the entire platform. That way people could not look up what was happening real time. If you searched the tag "electionfraud" you'd only get the "top" tags which were obviously allowed to be there. Just one tinyyyyy example frens! Fuck these bastards they will all pay
The censorship that took place during and prior to election was beyond disgusting. So much has happened so fast it is hard to remember which way is up. I still remember instagram stopped all "recent" tags across the entire platform. That way people could not look up what was happening real time. If you searched the tag "electionfraud" you'd only get the "top" tags which were obviously allowed to be there. Just one tinyyyyy example frens! Fuck these bastards they will all pay