posted ago by Bully_Solution ago by Bully_Solution +20 / -0

Why does the msm have so much influence about what lives rent free in our heads? Brainwashing via subliminal messages (among many others). When we think of subliminal messages we think of the methods they used back in the 1950's and 60's. Example: inserting a single frame of a picture of a box of popcorn into a presentation at a movie theatre to influence food sales. The methods used today are completely different and obvious once you're aware of it.
NLP. Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a method of using language, both verbal and body language, to strongly influence the thoughts and actions of others. The expert practitioners can use it in what appears to be normal conversation, comments and questions with little notice all while getting the agreement/response they are seeking. Think stage/street hypnotist. The msm are MASTERS of this art. Less than 10 years ago one could find scores of YouTube video's disecting news segments and exploring how it affects the thinking of the masses. There were videos disecting Bill O'Reilly conducting an interview of a guest that exposed exactly what he was saying, how he was saying it, and how it would railroad his guest down the path he wanted. Total control of the conversation. There were many videos like this using other news anchors. And WE could learn it and defend against it. Not any more. Today all you can find about NLP are videos about it being a "self-help program". Recommend dig NLP.