My mother loves Rachel Maddow so I’m curious as to how she feels about this. She is so indoctrinated but she thinks I’m nuts with my crazy conspiracies. Deep state is evil, human trafficking, Hollywood sickos. When I tried sending her evidence she say “don’t you have any respect for me, don’t send me this stuff” then goes back to saying, there is no evidence. It’s exhausting and we don’t talk much now.
I’ve not asked her anything about Q but I have messed with her. I can’t remember what we were arguing about (via text) but I said “just gotta trust the plan” another time I said “well God wins in the end” and “nothing can stop what is coming” with a gif of that creature stitch laughing maniacally on a hill with lightening in the background. I haven’t even mentioned Q but just telling her about pedos in Washington and Hollywood and the human trafficking, the fraud, she has purposeful ignorance. I fear she will be one of the 4-6%, what’s sad is she believes in God and evil but can’t fathom anyone she votes for might be the bad guys.
My mother loves Rachel Maddow so I’m curious as to how she feels about this. She is so indoctrinated but she thinks I’m nuts with my crazy conspiracies. Deep state is evil, human trafficking, Hollywood sickos. When I tried sending her evidence she say “don’t you have any respect for me, don’t send me this stuff” then goes back to saying, there is no evidence. It’s exhausting and we don’t talk much now.
I’ve not asked her anything about Q but I have messed with her. I can’t remember what we were arguing about (via text) but I said “just gotta trust the plan” another time I said “well God wins in the end” and “nothing can stop what is coming” with a gif of that creature stitch laughing maniacally on a hill with lightening in the background. I haven’t even mentioned Q but just telling her about pedos in Washington and Hollywood and the human trafficking, the fraud, she has purposeful ignorance. I fear she will be one of the 4-6%, what’s sad is she believes in God and evil but can’t fathom anyone she votes for might be the bad guys.
She might have parasites. Worth looking into.