Martha1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

My husbands first job was a movie theatre, he has always loved movies…me not much of a fan but this is one he does want to see so I guess I’ll go see it with him.

Martha1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good point! I don’t often think about how long they’ve been stealing elections, probably much further back then I initially thought

Martha1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was based on an ad used to scare the public just before the election between Goldwater and LBJ and the main reason Goldwater lost. Also the reason why we have so many laws on campaign ads, besides the fact govt sucks and just likes to get more control

Martha1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wasn’t alive in the 60’s but I’m genz and I definitely know

Martha1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m a sucker to my emotions and hate seeing the people die but I have to always believe good wins in the end and I trust God and Trump. It’s just driving me crazy the kids and women being murdered by illegals or squatters, the mass killing in Russia, the slaughter of Ukrainian’s. I’m a mom of boys 4 are teens oldest almost 20. I can’t help but feel nervous when they are pushing war so hard. I want to hide them and never let them leave the house but I don’t. I pray to God to protect them and give me strength to be brave. I’m glad so many here are positive too, it helps!

Martha1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like listening to Badlands and some are speculating R’s need to be completely out of all control including having the Speaker when shtf I don’t know what the plan is but what I do know is I keep getting ticked off and have to step away get my head together before I can look at new info. There is just so much coming at us that really stresses me but I’m a perpetual optimist at the end of the day …whose eye keeps twitching

Martha1776 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was just listening to Devolution Power hour and they were talking about these off the wall picks. Theory is they are weeding out rats, these things keep getting leaked it’s really easy to throw crap hole names and they know exactly where it came from. Smart if true. I don’t trust Fox and the more info they get wrong the more others don’t trust them either.

Martha1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry didn’t elaborate before. The Daily show gives consistent daily news IMO. Baseless conspiracies is just fun, some are out there but some are stories of real conspiracies the govt has perpetrated on the people like the CIA using vampires tales to scare people in the Philippines.
Eye of the Storm goes through Q drops and Devolution Power hour is John Harold’s show he used to have on something else before it was censored and they created Badlands. It’s based on the Devolution theory. I do listen to X22 pretty much every episode but I don’t trust most media which is why I like Badlands. I have listened to other shows but those are my consistent ones I watch.

Martha1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like Devolution Power Hour, I started listening to Eye of the Storm may go back and listen to earlier shows. I like Baseless Conspiracies but honestly the daily show is pretty good too.

Martha1776 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’m so confused dude says he had bottom surgery so is it a woman or man. So much creepier with the rose petals if it’s a bio man but much funnier if it’s a woman. Do they pay James enough for this and how did they not recognize him? 😆 funniest 💩 I’ve seen this week.

Martha1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

I saw a video by Barbara O’Neil on using castor oil for breast cancer. Castor oil penetrates deeply into the body and breaks up bone spurs, tumors etc. I think I saw the video on X but she has a lot of videos on YouTube. She was essentially blacklisted during Covid by her country . I love her info

Martha1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Men and women are meant to complement each other, it’s often single women or women with liberal beta male types. I think women who are married or have a strong male role models do not easily fall into it. I’m raising 5 boys and 1 daughter but I’m teaching her it isn’t kind to go along with a delusion or mental illness- or for that matter sexual fetish. The cult of nice is destroying our society. You can be kind to someone without going along with insanity. These men will find it very hard to have happy healthy relationships/futures so how is it kind to go along with it? AWFL’s are the worst especially single ones. 20+ years ago I would have been “nice” my dad died when I was 7 raised by a single mom but I met my husband and been married 21+ y and we both help each other to see things from a different perspective. My mom is still single and watches MSNBC and is team “nice”. I’m not about blaming women or blaming men, raising boys and one girl I see how important gender roles are but the genx part of me thinks we need to make it acceptable to for lack of a better word “bully” again. Boys don’t wear dresses unless it’s you’re cultural attire. Frilly ballgowns and sexy lingerie are not for males especially worn in public 🤦‍♀️

Martha1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

My kids won’t be going back except my youngest, he is severely developmentally delayed and has an amazing sped teacher plus access to great resources. Once he finishes elementary I think we will move to half day school (public/home), depending on how things are in 2 years. My oldest finished HS and the other 4 have started a homeschool program with their cousin. I was worried they were too established, too set with the public model but the last few years have helped me realize they won’t be missing out on anything we can’t live without. They are all on board and excited to change.

Martha1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

For some reason I can’t see the video, what does it say about stevia? I’m growing stevia, the leaves are sweet to chew on

Martha1776 6 points ago +6 / -0

For me yes! The people I live around nope, not all but many. my husband and I moved into an upper middle class neighborhood - we have a big family and not a lot of extra money like most families that have 1 or 2 maybe 3 kids- we have 6. I was so shocked that so many voted D in this area, they don’t pay attention to what’s going on. I had friend tell me Ukraines war is our war last year, her oldest child is 9 mine is 18. Her child wouldn’t get drafted mine would. So to her it’s about helping a country she thinks needs help not the sacrifice others would have to make. People in my neighborhood aren’t struggling to pay bills, they are still taking their trips to Paris, Florida, Cancun etc. so yeah it doesn’t affect them they don’t care yet. It’s sad

Martha1776 32 points ago +32 / -0

Those are the types of people who won’t believe it till it affects them personally. They need a moment of panic where they realize their world is a lie. I was always registered R, conservative, religious but it was covid that got me to see most of what I believed (Fox, doctors, history) was a lie. My husband even has a difficult time still because he has a laid back personality, a perpetual optimist, extremely hard worker and no time to think or look at things the way I do. We’ve had this conversation because I get so mad that people have such short memories, that they can be so easily manipulated but that is just how a large chunk of the populace works. They have been manipulated into thinking one way and they will have to be manipulated into seeing the world isn’t what they think it is or we lose. I don’t think we lose because no matter what I trust God. They live in a bubble and we can’t make others see things like we do, it was the circumstances of where my family was during covid, a friend who was wise to vaccines, and corruption had sent me info just before we moved/plan to save the world and I was skeptical. I couldn’t believe there was a group coordinated in doing these things. Well when covid hit we were in a new state with no friends or family and things didn’t add up, I went back to this friend and here I am now. You plant the seed, they just need their aha moment, hopefully it’s not complete financial collapse or nuclear war that does it.

Martha1776 6 points ago +6 / -0

My sister has been trying to convince me since covid shut the schools down. She has a teaching degree and followed me to the Midwest right after graduating. She realized what the schools were during covid and started a homeschool. My nephew has been homeschooled since she saw what teachers were doing over zoom and realized the DEI, social emotional learning state standards and just junk was in the schools. My district wasn’t as bad as hers or at least not as far along so I thought I could make it. I’m worried especially about my 10 yo. I’m actually excited to have this time with them and my sister has been doing this for almost 2 years now. She lives close, my boys are good friends with their cousin. I think it’s the right thing to do

Martha1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

My sister started a homeschool during covid, my nephew is in it he is 16 and he is good friends with my kids. We will join her. We’ve found someplace that they can continue strings (3 play violin) daughter can do choir, theater, we also belong to a church with a homeschool group. I’ve waited because I felt they were better off in their schools because of opportunities but the negatives now outweigh any benefits.

Martha1776 7 points ago +8 / -1

Wish us luck, I’ve realized there is no saving any public education. We fought hard to gain couple board seats on our school board, we pay so much in taxes for schools and supposedly some of the best in the nation. last week my friend and board member announced she was resigning. Publicly she didn’t say why but I heard from mutual friends that it was impossible to work with the other board members and the final nail in the coffin was when her third grader came home and asked what a threesome was. My sophomore told me about a book Eleanor and Park they had to read out loud which has F bombs galore in the first chapter, we looked into it and it has sex and terrible writing on top of that. This son is considered spectrum and he is in a class with a girl who says she is a boy and they “have to respect his pronouns”. He has not ever made friends at school, I kept hoping he would eventually but now I’m glad he hasn’t. I thought we could squeak through but I have officially realized there is absolutely no benefit left in public education. My oldest is graduating but I’m pulling my other kids who would be in 6th, 8th, 10th, 11th next year. I have a special needs 3rd grader who is in a great program who will stay through 5th then he will only go for speech, OT, PT. I won’t allow him in a middle school full day. Middle schools are terrible.I pray I’m doing what’s right, scared of screwing up.

Martha1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s so weird because talking to individuals everyone seems normal, but almost everyone masked during covid (we didn’t) and let the libs walk all over them. Most don’t understand they are supporting their own demise. It dawned on me I’m paying a ton for a house, with HOA fees $900 a year for the management rep to treat me like crap, the Board to tell me what I can do with my backyard. Higher taxes for schools that don’t care what I say about my kid’s education and a local government that keeps raising taxes and doesn’t give a crap what we want. Doctors we pay to force things on us- every aspect of our lives there are bullies. We worked really hard to gain to 2 seats on our local school board and one of our board members couldn’t take it anymore. She’s resigned, and moving to the country with her family. We can’t win back the schools. I’m getting one son to homeschool, one is graduating, but I have 3 kids not sure what they will do. For family harmony we all need to be in the same page, we are trying a homeschool summer program to see if they’ll all make the switch. Yes we are contemplating Missouri and I’ll check that out.

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