The problem with all these laws is that they just keep making new laws but they don't attach penalties for breaking those laws. I mean you can make it illegal to chew fucking bubblegum but if there's no penalty on the books for chewing bubble gum then it's legal because there's no enforcement mechanism attached to the law. A law without penalties for breaking it is not a law,
Now the question is what does the judge think they need to do to correct the issue
Pinky promise, no takebacks
A presidential election is way, way too big to just try to let it fade away....
So now there is legal basis for us to sue the Dems, right?
Exactly this is worth nothing if it won’t be enforced.
F the GOP! We’ve known this since November 3rd! Not news
As Salty Cracker would say "We in the fight for the normies, boys! Holy Balls!"
That guy is beast mode
Boom! Another State in question. Waiting for Pennsylvania....
The problem with all these laws is that they just keep making new laws but they don't attach penalties for breaking those laws. I mean you can make it illegal to chew fucking bubblegum but if there's no penalty on the books for chewing bubble gum then it's legal because there's no enforcement mechanism attached to the law. A law without penalties for breaking it is not a law,
So is anything going to be done about it? Im not holding my breath.
PA had this same argument shot down months ago. Our SoS did the same thing.
I have great disdain for sloth face benson. sorry sloths