posted ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists +50 / -0

This Marxist revolution is sloppy as it gets. They left bloodstains all over the floor in the election steal. They did it in the most obvious way possible. Then the literally first thing they did was try to legalize cheating. They couldn't have waited a year to sneak in the HR1? They earnestly tried to sell no voter ID as a civil rights act. The MSM media goes in on EVERY race baiting BLM case and opportunity for race baiting. Did they have to go all in on Jacob Blake, the rapist who went to his victim's house, had a knife and tried to steal her car with the kids in it... and didn't even die? They made the NBA refuse to play over it lmao. They cancelled Dr Seuss. They have losers like Brian Stelter pushing their MSM nonsense. The list goes on. They didn't actually have to do the mask thing, they could have just done lockdowns. It was just public humiliation that pissed off millions of people.

I think the commies were killing the game in the Bush and Obama eras setting up LGBT, environmentalism, race baiting as a road to communism. Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth. Excellent propaganda! The sociopath Obama subtly dividing America while still making himself look like the good guy. However they handed over all their hard work to lemons like Biden and Pelosi. And now their decades of commie work is swirling down the retarded woke toilet drain.