If 150 millions Americans suffers from the vaccine..They either dies or gets permanently damaged. How will the country solve this? While China's population is secure and safe?
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I appreciate your point but my comment came from my frustration and experience with people around me in my city, my community and personal life.
I want to make a video showing all the anti trump, BLM, biden, ilhan omar and covid hysteria yard signs in my area but I can't do that without doxxing people's homes and addresses, even though it's a sign they chose to publicly display, In my area the cops will certianly come after me for inciting violence or something. I've been physically attacked for refusing to condemn mike lindell, (not even supporting him just refusing to condemn him) I've been told my business is not wanted by places I have spent tens of thousands of dollars at because i wouldnt put on a mask. Lost my relationship with my fiancee and my parents and most of my friends. I live in Minneapolis by the way and no I am not going to "get out of the cities" and flee. This area is too valuable to give to the globalists without a fight.