Sex organs are not necessarily indicative of gender. Gender is XX or XY. There are variants of that that can survive, but they cannot reproduce, e.g. XXX, XXY, XYY. These are all genetic disorders in the same vein as Down's syndrome (trisomy 21), or other viable disorders that also cannot reproduce. Here "viable" means they can survive to term. Most chromosome disorders are lethal (i.e. results in miscarriage).
It is possible to have both sex organs, or have sex organs that are of a gender other than you are. That is because sex organs are caused by signaling molecules during fetal development. If these signaling molecules are messed with, or caused by a genetic disorder (for example, a specific type of dual gender mosaicism i.e. XX/XY) then what sex organs are presented will not directly match the karyotype.
Correction, there are two genders, and at least 4 new kinds of mental illnesses to add to the books.
I wish she would of said there are only vaginas and penises not sure what else there would be.
Sex organs are not necessarily indicative of gender. Gender is XX or XY. There are variants of that that can survive, but they cannot reproduce, e.g. XXX, XXY, XYY. These are all genetic disorders in the same vein as Down's syndrome (trisomy 21), or other viable disorders that also cannot reproduce. Here "viable" means they can survive to term. Most chromosome disorders are lethal (i.e. results in miscarriage).
It is possible to have both sex organs, or have sex organs that are of a gender other than you are. That is because sex organs are caused by signaling molecules during fetal development. If these signaling molecules are messed with, or caused by a genetic disorder (for example, a specific type of dual gender mosaicism i.e. XX/XY) then what sex organs are presented will not directly match the karyotype.
The woman spoke correctly.