posted ago by WhattheWhat3 ago by WhattheWhat3 +18 / -0

So, the only other female hasn’t vaxxed. She said she was going to today after work. Today was literal hell on earth at work so I doubt she did. However... fiancé had been sick the past two days. I have EDS so I’m nauseous all the time, but I wasn’t. Today he said he had suddenly smelled vinegar. Looked it up and it’s a “symptom of covid”. He’s honestly fine-ish, but it is the 2nd time I’ve ever seen him take a day off work in 5 years. 1st he rolled an ankle and couldn’t stand on it. I’ve gone back to work and taking public transit but more so I’m in a small confined space with 6+ fully vaxxed people. Are they shedding the covid onto me? I’m convinced I’m ironside and possibly patient 0 in my area so I won’t show any symptoms.