The true message has been lost and you have a lot of phoney Churches, fake pastors, and fake Christians running around these days, which is why we are in a fallen state.
You MUST be born again of the Heavenly Father. And one does that by forgiving their mothers for resenting them and forgiving their father for the same. Imperfect parents raise imperfect children. We are born free but take on the identity of our parents/ mother and take on her anger. Any anger is wrong. You must forgive in order to become free
The true message has been lost and you have a lot of phoney Churches, fake pastors, and fake Christians running around these days, which is why we are in a fallen state.
You MUST be born again of the Heavenly Father. And one does that by forgiving their mothers for resenting them and forgiving their father for the same. Imperfect parents raise imperfect children. We are born free but take on the identity of our parents/ mother and take on her anger. Any anger is wrong. You must forgive in order to become free