So after they said "no mask to service" this Mexican guy blew his top.
"No mask to service?! Fuck you!" He snapped back at them. Then he said he will never eat there again and will tell all his friends to do the same, and he gave my veteran friend the sandwich he bought. It was just heart warming for me to know that other people are fed up with this shit too. I think the masks have finally reached their breaking point. At least I PRAY this nonsense comes to an end soon. Its just nice to see everyday people fighting back.
Would you calm down, you're wasting your energy fighting a perfect stranger on the internet. Not the most productive use of either of our time.
I'll admit, maybe I should have clarified my statement a bit more in that as a citizen of the US, you have legal avenues and rights that I do not have. That in your daily life, outside of very strict situations ie a prenatal clinic visit etc, you have no excuse to keep on wearing it. Especially outside.
The comment was an intro to the video where I discuss stuff like this more fully. I didn't mean that I think you are a coward if you put on a mask so your child can get healthcare. But that's beside the point, you've already levelled insults at my attempts to get people to take back their freedom in whichever little way they can.
You are right about one thing. I am angry. I'm angry at seeing babies, not kids, babies around my wearing them. I'm angry at seeing kids outside wearing them, I'm angry at seeing motorcyclists riding without helmets, but wearing them, angry at joggers wearing them. Angry at being berated by my students for not wearing it, angry at being shat on by my boss for not wearing a mask while walking outside. Angry at my foreigner friends, who despite knowing masks are bullshit, don't have the guts to walk around outside without them cause they are afraid of being confronted. I'm angry at being thought to be the insane one cause I want to breathe fresh air.
Yes, I am angry.
But you know what, despite being angry, I know you are not my enemy. We are on the same side. Now you can go on wasting your anger on me. But it's a waste of time. I'm just a stranger on the internet. Go take a walk, kiss your wife, count your blessings.
And above all, have a nice day fren.