We had a hum in our neighborhood that was freaking everyone out... turns out it was an exhaust fan from a manufacturing facility a few miles down and the fan came on at night because the crews worked night shifts due to no air conditioning in the plant. When you got near the plant the frequency heard was different... sort of like how you can only hear bass from a ghetto car that drives by!
Back in the late 70s, I lived in Eugene Oregon when a 'microwave cloud was found over the area- millions of watts that reacted with electric baseboard heaters that hummed loudly. I was glad to get out of there..
We had a hum in our neighborhood that was freaking everyone out... turns out it was an exhaust fan from a manufacturing facility a few miles down and the fan came on at night because the crews worked night shifts due to no air conditioning in the plant. When you got near the plant the frequency heard was different... sort of like how you can only hear bass from a ghetto car that drives by!
Back in the late 70s, I lived in Eugene Oregon when a 'microwave cloud was found over the area- millions of watts that reacted with electric baseboard heaters that hummed loudly. I was glad to get out of there..
What's this hum? I experience waves of overwhelming static at night, passing downward through my body starting with my head.
Search for "taos hum", its one of the most well known ones
It makes like a FREEM noise. Seems to only happen when laying down and relaxed, at night.