I was in my room in my dream when suddenly the entire world inverted. Everything turned upside down and inside out.
It seemed weird at first, and unnatural....but then I saw that everything was made to be this way from the beginning and that the unnatural way was the way we had been living all our lives up until this time.
Dark to light, wrong to right, up turns back into up and down into down the way it was supposed to be.
I dunno, I found it interesting. Maybe yall will too.
Perhaps you are prophetic.... we’ve been expecting some “dark to light”, some major reversals, wrongs being righted, a great awakening of the world.
Things are happening, it’s quite a time if you look at the bigger picture.
And perhaps a major shift is happening for you personally on more than one level? Are you seei g things in a different way? Very interesting dream.
Yes, I am very much seeing things in a different way as of late, although I've always had weird supernatural stuff around me.
I recently found God, I think. I did ask for a vision a few years ago and got one, and I still didn't believe. I feel so foolish now! Lol.