Upon further reading (two pages of their low-vibrational disgust and whining) I can confirm these people have transcended bitterness and are actually far worse.
In language fart sniffers understand: they think they are the Oxford Comma. When in reality, they are just misplaced apostrophes patting each other on the back. Pardon my baaaa.
Can the medicine of love save them? I don’t know. But I have a feeling they’d elect to take the suppository. Guess I’m feeling sassy tonight. Maybe it’s because I want them to post this there - wait, no! Anything but that!
Hi Reddit :P
But no they’ll just cherry (dingleberry) pick a post from a newb to circlejerk over. They have no idea that most of us grew up thinking just like them. All we want is to stop the world from killing itself. All we want is peace, love, and to save humanity. We know both bliss and burden. Ignorance and truth. Because we have been both.
Are these people real? Or just the solid, physical manisfestation of a fart?
Upon further reading (two pages of their low-vibrational disgust and whining) I can confirm these people have transcended bitterness and are actually far worse.
In language fart sniffers understand: they think they are the Oxford Comma. When in reality, they are just misplaced apostrophes patting each other on the back. Pardon my baaaa.
Can the medicine of love save them? I don’t know. But I have a feeling they’d elect to take the suppository. Guess I’m feeling sassy tonight. Maybe it’s because I want them to post this there - wait, no! Anything but that!
Hi Reddit :P
But no they’ll just cherry (dingleberry) pick a post from a newb to circlejerk over. They have no idea that most of us grew up thinking just like them. All we want is to stop the world from killing itself. All we want is peace, love, and to save humanity. We know both bliss and burden. Ignorance and truth. Because we have been both.
We just keep moving forward.
you're overthinking it, these people are just twats
I was just having some fun. It’s rare I post like this :p