Hi all.
I've been on GA since last fall (two months before the election) I've started to follow Q about last spring. I've been a STRONG supporter of Trump since the beginning and was part of the first meme war. I have always understood the concept of dooming and it's exactly what the DS want's us to do. They are winning when we lose faith so i have always tried to be positive and stay the course.
Until some few days ago when i had a total meltdown due too family issues with the vaxx and seeing Trump promote it..
I went full retard-doomer mode and wasn't any better then the commie-retards trying to destroy this movement. Everyone have a really tough time right now so it was no reason for me to lose it all on Trump. I know this is very very complicated business and the best of changes takes time and sometimes needs sacrifice. This would have been so much worse with out Trump and the patriots. Without Q's drops i would now know the true meaning of despair..
Q has led us thus far and a lot of people has joined the movement to free the world from the satanic cabal. I was wrong in my despair and i will never again let this happen no matter what happens, no matter if Trump himself endorses Biden. We must pray and also realize that we are part of the change.
Yet again, i'm sorry for the doomer-mentality lately and sorry for the people i lashed out on.
WWG1WGA // Give them hell,
You are a survivor,fren. We are all survivors.We have made it this far.It has been a long hard struggle,just try to stay calm,hunker down and see this through.
We don't know how long we will have to wait before "The Plan" is revealed to the World and people like us are no longer considered to be fringe dwelling conspiracy theorists,time will tell.
It's been a hard road to follow but a very necessary one,as we all are playing our small but extremely important part to take our World back.
You are a survivor,fren, that is something to be very proud of.
Thanks fren. Will just have to dig in and wait this out until further notice.
I'm sorry I took so long to get back to you,I'm in Australia,the time zones play havoc.
Hang in there,fren,we'll get through this.