They will have a 5 days break for graduation of high school seniors as i understand it. Many feels this would be a opportunity for the demorats to strike with their commie-trix to do something with the ballots or so..(playbook known)
But what if it is something the white hats is counting on? Maybe they want the demorats to do exactly that and bust them with the fingers in the cookie jar? Just a thought
I hear you fren, and i won't say that i understand your situation since i'm not that affected by this shit storm as you and your family. What ever you think we all know that it is a lot of patriots in the blue states that needs care,hope and means to live by. When i think of a trap i don't mean that the patriots will let the antifa thugs terrorism play out. I mean they will caught them before harm is done and the audit will continue as planned, but the optics on what the left tried to do will only help in the red pilling. You are right about that this has to be reported by the media by any reasonable doubt ,however the tricky part is that media is complicit in the treason and they know they will all hang if they play along and report on the TRUTH. I think it will come to a point when the media is so cornered that there will be no excuses left, just sheer desperation..That is when we will see the EBS activated and the military will force medias hand to either report the truth and have a trial or face a bullet in the head the same day. I don't know what will happen. But you must have faith that we don't leave patriots in blue states behind. I suggest that you make a post here on GA with the info you just provided and i'm sure some people might be able to help out in some way or form. I have like 300 dollars on my bank account at this moment so im not exactly fat on cash but i don't have a family to support. If i had some to spare i would no doubt. Its important that good people is helping each other out in these times no matter were we live. Asking for help in these times is NOTHING to be ashamed of since we are in a full scale war against the devil himself and everyone is needed. We all lose if family's perish over time due to the economic pressure. You probably did everything right in life but the DS destroyed it so not much you could have done. We are under attack. Keep faith and pray.