I sailed the ocean blue, from Japan to Sydney then back home to San Diego and slept on the deck.. I noted that the flat spots merged very neatly into the next one-until Aug 4th 1964 when the ship made a flank speed hard a port move and tilted to starboard. I thought that the series of flat spots were a bit rough until I learned of the Gulf of Tonkin "incident". The rest of the cruise was spent heading into the curved horizon... J/S /sar.
I sailed the ocean blue, from Japan to Sydney then back home to San Diego and slept on the deck.. I noted that the flat spots merged very neatly into the next one-until Aug 4th 1964 when the ship made a flank speed hard a port move and tilted to starboard. I thought that the series of flat spots were a bit rough until I learned of the Gulf of Tonkin "incident". The rest of the cruise was spent heading into the curved horizon... J/S /sar.