May 02, 2021 1935h CET
This post is based on:
My own understanding of the Q posts which I started to read on Jan 21, 2021 and finished (after a break of abt. one and a half months) on Apr 05.
The Kim Clement Prophecies which I discovered for myself one week ago.
A prophecy from my now favourite Pastor who has nothing to do with Q or Trump.
DISCLAIMER: I am well aware that Q warned us about date fagging, but I will do it nevertheless. 2021 makes perfect sense to me and I just post this for anyone who is in urgent need of some Hopium. However, please note that I know as little as all of you; Q never mentioned 2021 or any other specific date.
Below quotes are from Mr. Clement (from 2008 and 2014). For those who don't know him: He correctly predicted the Trump victory 2016.
Spring: "I will expose and reveal things that have been hidden."
Beginning of Spring: March 20, 2021
Chronologial order according to Q: Public Disclosure of Fisa Gate > First Unsealed Indictment will shock the world > Very likely: Further unsealed indictments with regards to Fisa Gate > Fisa Gate will be the gateway for other indictments: e.g. Clinton Foundation, Corruption, human trafficking, Maxwell/ Epstein case, and things far worse than that.
Q was very serious that the public needs to know what happened with Fisa Gate prior to any unsealed indictments. Durham is the best option to show the public said truth. Q also already mentioned what will happen: five other (likely low- to mid-level) indictments like Clinesmith, together they are called "set 1". (Keep in mind post no. 2697: Kevin Clinesmith –track & follow; Tashina Gauhar – track & follow; Sally Moyer – track & follow; Jason V. Herring – track & follow.)]
What I assume will happen in Spring 2021: Public Disclosure of Fisa Gate (likely some low to mid level indictments, but Barr also ensured that the Biden DOJ must publish a Durham report for the public to see).
The election fraud is also likely to be addressed, e.g. AZ audit, and I believe the six states from the Peter Navarro Report will be in general the first states to prove fraud. [After that the military will be able to focus on the voting machines (some minor audits already showed that they were designed to cheat). But that will be probably months later.]
Summer: "Strange July, Strange July." The Storm is upon us. (He did not use these words, but he mentioned different natural disasters; maybe synonyms for the storm?) "Tumultous moments, so that the fall can do its work in America."
Beginning of Summer: June 20, 2021
Mr. Clement mentioned in one of his prophecies "Impeachment" twice, and Trump got indeed impeached twice in the house. So I assume there will be two major happenings in July. One is very likely the Maxwell case (we already know the prosecution has almost three million documents). The second one could be related to Fisa Gate (maybe even the first unsealed indictment?).
As it seems we will also see tumultous moments which I assume is related to voter fraud. After one state "flipped" (at the moment AZ is the likely candidate), audits have to follow in other states (probably the other five states from the Navarro report). What happens when an inaugarated President (here: Biden) suddenly has below 270 EC votes according to court rulings? A constitutional crisis to say the least, and Myanmar showed that the military could intervene in such a case.
Fall: "Many to fall in Fall, and many that shall rise from the dust." Also, "Hypnotic November."
Beginning of Fall: September 22, 2021
Sounds to me like most arrests are in fall. Maybe even a military tribunal in November?
Winter: will make us happy.
Beginning of Winter: December 21, 2021
Seems like we will have a fresh start into 2022...
This all just slowly started... we saw nothing yet!
Another quote from Mr. Clement: "The Plan is so brilliant, it could only be given by me (= God)." (Does he talk about the Plan to save the World? At least sounds like it.)
Trump still says: "The best is yet to come."
My favourite Pastor Joseph Prince (who has nothing to do with Q, Trump or prophecies in general) said at the beginning of this year (based on the bible study he did): "Something will happen in the mid of the year 2021 that will bring more people than ever before to God." (One could call it a great awakening...)
I have a feeling that 2021 will be glorious. Praise the Lord!
What can you do in the meantime? - Join us in our prayers if you like! God already won, this year we will experience the victory as well.
You can either join us at 5pm PDT for 1 min of prayer for eachother and the world,
or check out the sub c/christianity to learn and grow in classical christian creeds,
or even become a prayer warrior and children of light. We are putting together a server to serve the Lord through prayer and fellowship. All that called are welcome that want to learn and grow together. Here you go:
God bless you.
Much love.
We are in this together.
Where we go one, we go all.
You don’t have to be Christian, but the further you go down the rabbit holes, the more you realize this is spiritual in nature, a spiritual war. We’re up against straight up Satanists, vile, evil humans, who do child sacrifices and rape babies with their umbilical chords still on them. Waking up to the evil is the ultimate proof that God is also real.