This pervert should be made to register as a "sexual predator" neighbors, community, schools KNOW that he adheres to the actions of pedophilia!! Wouldn't take long for him to realize just how ALONE he is with his disgustingly criminal thinking!!!!! Put him and those like him ( Hunter) FRONT AND CENTER for all the world to see, force them to quit hiding behind their laptops!!!!
This pervert should be made to register as a "sexual predator" neighbors, community, schools KNOW that he adheres to the actions of pedophilia!! Wouldn't take long for him to realize just how ALONE he is with his disgustingly criminal thinking!!!!! Put him and those like him ( Hunter) FRONT AND CENTER for all the world to see, force them to quit hiding behind their laptops!!!!
Turns out he is a convicted offender. And still twisted enough to proclaim this vile filth.