Jerry Sandusky's Son Jeff Charged With Sex Offenses Against Minors
? These people are sick! ?
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Knew that was gonna happen. It’s a cycle of victim/abuser.
Not if an abused gets therapy. Tread lightly ..this subject isnt cut n dry. Many people have been so abused, told and gone for intensive therapy to learn it wasnt their fault. That they didnt ask for what was done. Then we have people like many in here lumping them in w criminal pedos as one in same. the anon and choose words wisely. What these children had forced on them and to go through therapy to be blindly lumped in as beyond fixable is in itself abuse.
I agree & I almost added that BUT it really depends on the abuse circumstances and the resilience of the person who has been abused. I would imagine length of time, was it a family member, did they receive help... and probably a whole lot more of very specific details will determine if this abusive behavior is past on. Therapy is an excellent way for a person to comprehend what had occurred, their feelings and how to choose a better life for themselves.