I really realllllllllly want to know what actually happened at Polanski's house that night that Charlie's alleged friends paid a visit.
I know there's so much more to that story than what the official version tells.
The Tribe visited Dennis Wilsons house and took it over, stole everything that wasn't nailed down and wrecked the place. Wilson was such a wuzz that he let this happen.
Spielberg is Polansky, but doing a better job covering his tracks
I really realllllllllly want to know what actually happened at Polanski's house that night that Charlie's alleged friends paid a visit. I know there's so much more to that story than what the official version tells.
It was Psyop meets Satanic ritual and Polanski was complicit.
Did you know Sharon Tate's father was Army Intelligence?
Did you know Manson cut music demo's with Neil Young and LIVED with Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson in the Summer of '68?
Sharon Tate grew close to Bruce Lee ( yes, that one ) and began talking about Polanski's pedophile tendencies.
The Tribe visited Dennis Wilsons house and took it over, stole everything that wasn't nailed down and wrecked the place. Wilson was such a wuzz that he let this happen.