When the stock market crash and the depression is a fact (great depression on steroids)..That will be the time the normies truly wake up in large numbers. A lot of these people, not only in US but in EU as well, only care about money and compare themselves with others on social media and such. They have no convictions, no morals, no curiosity,very low confident and a unhealthy fear of death combined in many cases with low IQ due to thinking like a NPC all their lives.
.Many of them are cowards in a way many here can't even understand.. They don't care about their country (many of them actually hate their country because of no more reason then commie-brainwashing tactics)
So in other words..The DS has corrupted them fully, and they are not themselves, they are puppets of the DS. Their mind is not their own.
Only way for them to wake up is to actually have them suffer so they can snap out of it. You cant argument and talk about justice with a person like that. They like the idea of cheating since it makes them feel superior and also it shows them you don't have to put in hard work in life getting what you want..Just cheat.
But when their precious belongings and money is forfeit, and the food shortage start..That is when they will understand. Will be to late for many, but yea, they sealed their own faith by being the miniature devils of the deep state.
When it hits them..We will be there and explain everything in detail. But we shall also tell them that they deserve this..They need this. This is the price they have to pay for turning on their own country and god. They should no get away easy or this will be for nothing. They will only realize what they have done when they are in the gutter..
They know that Trump won..But they rather destroy the foundations of the greatest country on earth, judging people to eternity of suffering if not patriots would have been in control and if this wasn't a trap.(which these idiots haven't realized yet) Only because they wanted to see someone like Trump, who they know is better then most of them in every category. win..Again..With his personality? They couldn't accept that..They rather trough the entire world in total darkness then have their pride and ego hurt. Do you guys realize that?
We shall not hunt this people on the street. But they deserve no pity at all. They should live in shame rest of their lives in my opinion. The damaged these people could have caused is to great to just slide.
"muh, what good will that do?" - It will change the culture. Children will learn from it. Their children will never to what their parents did and we have a golden opportunity to create a new foundation for the free world to advance in. Socialism will be forgotten forever.
My husband will be one of those impacted - all he does is watch his 401K E V E R Y day!!!! Oh well!!!!
Leave him..Fast. im 29, some say pretty handsome.If i meet a woman telling me she was on GA i wouldn't wait to put a ring on that finger for sure. It's like all qualities explained in two letters ;) JK, but still. I think it's so un-masculine when the wife have to red pill here cuck-husband. Is he not suppose to care about the family's safety? No matter what Trump would tell me, i would always take the road i deem fit and secure for my family, trough logical thinking...Not by a other mans word no matter what it is. Well, hope i turns around. Bless fren.
See if he can roll it over into an IRA. That way you have full control over your investments and can keep it uninvested in cash, or if you’re really confidant, open short positions/buy bear ETFs.