Was just publicly accused of being a racist because I refuse to judge people by the color of their skin, and bluntly stated you can’t shoot at police officers.
My accuser was highly offended, and now I need to deal with the person in charge who wants to know why I made such offensive statements.
I am still rather bemused that stating “shooting at police officers is bad” is considered a racist belief, but crazy town has gotten to this point, and I need to figure out my next steps. I need patience. I need wisdom. And I might also need an attorney for the slander suit.
Was I slandered? Is being publicly called a racist an actual bad thing anymore?
Will keep you in my prayers for strength, the perfect words to say and above all, God keeps you safe. Just because they say something, doesn't make it so. I can say the grass is always purple, but it isn't. Police departments have every race and creed working for them, so that clown that called you racist is just that a clown.