For the love God any1 that can decode comms PLZ read this article is it just me??
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I knew this rang a bell. Same happened with a UK family on holiday a couple years ago- here's the article- 3 dead again.
"ongoing" weird both really weird I dont know how I ended up where I am but I find both places very unsettling. I dunno
"Philanthropy AWWA's Water Equation is funding the future of water. Clean, safe, and sufficient water supplies are a critical component of our economy, public health and safety."
"Copperleaf Technologies Inc. In a world where resources are limited, how do you decide which projects to invest in, and when?The world."
Senators add drinking water cybersecurity provision to infrastructure bill May 3, 2021
EPA establishes new council to tackle PFAS May 3, 2021
AMWA-backed water infrastructure bill sails through Senate May 3, 2021
EPA announces new measures to advance environmental justice in agency actions April 29, 2021
AMWA urges EPA to not further delay Lead and Copper Rule revisions April 29, 2021
EPA establishes new council to tackle PFAS April 29, 2021
EPA releases Spanish-language webpage on lead-related issues April 29, 2021
EPA set to hold public engagement series on LCR revisions April 29, 2021
AMWA and ASDWA outline concerns with EPA's implementation of TSCA April 29, 2021
Regan wipes EPA Science Advisory Board clean; seeks new nominations April 29, 2021
Bill to expedite PFAS regulations reintroduced in House April 28, 2021
House legislation proposes to remove lead pipes from public housing projects April 28, 2021
oh & are water boil advisories always happening or is this new?
Did you see all of the pool umbrellas by the pool? All someone had to do was pull one of them out and get the person in the pool to grab the pole and then pull them to the edge. Like, duh.