Yes. Which would be fine, admirable even, if it aimed to get to the truth. But this was genuinely a flailing fail. Because this photo, like this entire administration, has been riddled with serial episodes of extreme bizarreness which have been designed to defy rational explanations.
“It’s notable for its historic aspects, but it also looks plain weird. The Bidens dwarf the Carters, who are sitting in oversized armchairs. It almost seems Photoshopped.”
This is amazing. Just blatantly telling people to ignore what they can see with their own eyes and trust authority.
TL;DR it’s all about distortion, only there’s except there’s no do discernible distortion, but if there was distortion it would would be barrel distortion except the evident size differences are the exact opposite of what barrel distortion would produce, so that’s the explanation, and in summary qanons are racist racists.
I don't have the equipment or the skills but I'd love to see someone be able to "fact check" these claims by trying to reproduce these pictures. Mythbust them, if you will.
I had the idea back w/ the WH mic booms incident. I would love to have seen someone re-produce the same set of objects in a 3D model and compare the two camera angles and find out if you can animate the same 1 single scene and still produce the affects seen in both angles.
For this, it would be great if we could get 4 people to sit on some chairs and pose in the exact same ways and try these magical lenses and see if this same affect can be legitimately produced, and show the scene in video as a still-life scene, showing the actual positioning of all objects, and then demonstrating the affect created by the lens(es).
More gaslighting
They are running out of fuel to burn.
Yes. Which would be fine, admirable even, if it aimed to get to the truth. But this was genuinely a flailing fail. Because this photo, like this entire administration, has been riddled with serial episodes of extreme bizarreness which have been designed to defy rational explanations.
“It’s notable for its historic aspects, but it also looks plain weird. The Bidens dwarf the Carters, who are sitting in oversized armchairs. It almost seems Photoshopped.”
This is amazing. Just blatantly telling people to ignore what they can see with their own eyes and trust authority.
Ever read “1984”? it was considered fiction.
look at the edges around biden closely, also why no masks?
TL;DR it’s all about distortion, only there’s except there’s no do discernible distortion, but if there was distortion it would would be barrel distortion except the evident size differences are the exact opposite of what barrel distortion would produce, so that’s the explanation, and in summary qanons are racist racists.
It only effects the Bidens.
Ah yes. Good point.
Then the author needs a follow-up on "layers", and "masking"... but that might bring up some, uh, unwelcome associations.
I don't have the equipment or the skills but I'd love to see someone be able to "fact check" these claims by trying to reproduce these pictures. Mythbust them, if you will.
I had the idea back w/ the WH mic booms incident. I would love to have seen someone re-produce the same set of objects in a 3D model and compare the two camera angles and find out if you can animate the same 1 single scene and still produce the affects seen in both angles.
For this, it would be great if we could get 4 people to sit on some chairs and pose in the exact same ways and try these magical lenses and see if this same affect can be legitimately produced, and show the scene in video as a still-life scene, showing the actual positioning of all objects, and then demonstrating the affect created by the lens(es).
Notice Joe’s foot in the foreground, obvious to a shop job.