I’m grateful God worked through a humble servant for a young wife of an active duty service man. She’s stuck at home, pretty ill with no family nearby, new to area.
Has a health condition and two kids to take care of....
The docs told her to go home and when you get really sick, come back to the hospital!! “There’s nothing we can do for you now,” they told her.
They offered her no insights, no suggestions, didn’t tell her about zinc, Vit D, Nevermind HCQ or Ivermectin...inhuman. This whole damn demonic structure must be dragged down to the ground.
I’m going to change this. I want figure how to bring lawsuits against healthcare providers who withhold life saving treatment information. All guidance welcome!
MOST doctors and nurses are simpleton cowards who look out only for themselves. Pisses me off that so often they are put on a pedestal. I wouldn't piss on most of them even if they were on fire. THEY ARE COMPLICIT IN MURDER AND TORTURE.
Of course there's exceptions, thank God. But they are in the minority.
Went to see my PCM today. We had the vax chat. I told him Im not getting shot up with polyethylene glycol. He said “what is that”. Oh yes Frens. This happened. So I explained that it is basically antifreeze, and the shot has 100 times a persons normal exposure. He was a little unnerved. He knows Im a research scientist and I know shit like that. He is a great doc and Im a fan, but if he doesnt know, 99% of docs and nurses dont know.