farpointpatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always get amused with the idea of ‘over-sampling’.

“Oh you mean that thing that gets us closer and closer to a near zero P-value??? “. 😂😂😂😂

farpointpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

As a retire research scientist I was by extension a total statsfag. These polls they are publishing are beyond fraudulent. I am sure it is not a crime, but I can tell you from EXPERIENCE, their ‘observation gathering’ violates every professional standard there is. I would not be shocked to discover they are recycling, repurposing previous ‘polling expeditions’ and substituting names then calling it a ‘valid’ poll.

These polls are bullshit. I will take a twatter poll with 200K respondents all day long over any of those other bullshit, bought and paid for hacks.

farpointpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0


He has to block about 200,000 accounts first 😂😂😂

farpointpatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

LOL. HELL YES. That was the most statistically significant poll of all. Over 1/4million responses. Most polls have 3-5k. This one was from a democrat hyper-biased cuckboi … and Trump, last I saw, had 70+%. That sample size makes a ‘p-value’ near zero with an R value in the high 90s. Thats damned near exact.

farpointpatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

EXACTLY. Most of these people they are using to funnel/launder money via ACTBLUE (and WINRED by the way) are elderly (avg age in the 70s), living on social security and small pensions. People that wouldn’t have a clue such a thing was happening because they would ever think such a thing was possible.

farpointpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow … I got one of those too. When Tucker was on Fox he would be giving a dialogue and 100% of the time she would start asking questions while he was still talking. I am a ‘listener’. If someone is speaking on something I am focused on, I zero in, listen and analyze. I had to establish a hard and fast rule … she can ask question either AFTER, or if it on TV, pause the shit. I am not fucking rainman, I cant listen and answer questions At the same time. 😂😂

farpointpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0


Thank you deeply for contributing this. SMEs like you guys make us a force multiplier.


farpointpatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

In poker, Aces and Eights is the “Dead Mans hand”. Wild Bill Hickock was holding that hand when he was shot and killled in a saloon in Deadwood SD.

farpointpatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why did someone down vote???

Excellent connection.

farpointpatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

100%. I have been in a text thread with a bunch of patriots this morning and 100% of KNOWS this was just the first attempt. Communists dont quit until they are stopped and stopped permanently. That is what this is. Evil, demonic Communists hell bent in killing Gods chosen modern day Moses/Noah/Job (pick one). This is a war of good and evil. Not political ideologies.

farpointpatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

So … the markets close at 4:30 EST. TRUMP was shot at 6:11 (CST??). The markets were long since closed. The short was as a PUT option (not technically a short, but definitly a gamble it drops). The options market closes also at 4:30 AND HAS NO AFTER HOURS TRADING. SO!!! That ‘Short’ play failed bigtime. It was a PUT for 12mil shares. I have traded options for 30 years. Inhave never heard of a single ‘non-hedge’ play like that. I wonder what they paid per share? I haven't seen what the strike, price, and expiration was. That would be interesting. Most equities (stocks) Options expire at close of trading Friday (weekly). If those options were week long (set to expire tomorrow) … they need to be arrested immediately. Like … right now. They knew about the shot. Zero question.

farpointpatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

OK … this is a graphic of the stock price … where is the graphic of the ‘reported’ short positions?

I AM NOT QUESTIONING THE PREMISE …I 100% believe this is true. It would just be appropriate to show the short positions.

I would sauce it up myself but I am traveling.

farpointpatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can see how you might interpret @megadeath comment, but Im pretty sure thats not what anon said or suggested.

Anyone actually thinking Q team would kill and wound bystanders to put on a show needs to head back on over to reddit.

farpointpatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. The post was supposedly made an hour or so after he spent 6 hours being debriefed by the FBI. Then he hops on 4Chan to dox himself and poke the USSS in the eye? Yeah, very sus.

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