Not really, like I said when sin entered the world everything changed. When God told the Israelites to go to war He gave every opportunity for the other nation to either submit or come to repentance. The Old Testament was vastly different than what is experienced in the New Testament it also led the way for the transition. A lot of those people, we will take the Flood for a good example Noah was making the ark the people of earth were so wicked and made the decision to turn away from God that God was going to wipe out everyone but Noah pleaded with God and He chose to save his family. All while this was happening up until the point where the sky opened up every single person had the opportunity to turn back from that sin and return to God to get on that Ark.
Not really, like I said when sin entered the world everything changed. When God told the Israelites to go to war He gave every opportunity for the other nation to either submit or come to repentance. The Old Testament was vastly different than what is experienced in the New Testament it also led the way for the transition. A lot of those people, we will take the Flood for a good example Noah was making the ark the people of earth were so wicked and made the decision to turn away from God that God was going to wipe out everyone but Noah pleaded with God and He chose to save his family. All while this was happening up until the point where the sky opened up every single person had the opportunity to turn back from that sin and return to God to get on that Ark.