So I've made the decision that I am not touching any of the experimental vaccines for medical reasons. However, there is an option that uses the same technology as your traditional flu shot, the Valneva inactivated shot, which won't be available probably until the end of the year.
I'd love to know what people's thoughts are on this. Again, very much aware that Q's are vax leery, but curious to hear why you all think.
From what I'm seeing in your link, it sounds like it's based on typical vaccine technology. Without digging into it more, I would say that once more testing is done and we know that it's actually effective (the flu vaccine is only about 40% effective on average, so some years only 10%) it might not be a bad idea for people who are at greater risk of dying from Covid. Unless someone is elderly, a smoker, very overweight, etc I don't see a reason to get any vaccine for covid, even if it's 99% effective. Every vaccine will have side effects and you have to weight the risk of side effects against the risk of side effects of catching the disease.