posted ago by Gilgalad ago by Gilgalad +17 / -0

Who owns and controls the biggest IP-backbone in the world? (country) Who owns the greatest fiber infrastructure in the world? (country) Which was the first central bank ever established? (country) US, China, Rus only the big players? Who owns Nasdaq? Who interconnects all central banks and commerce?

Sometimes the world is not what it seems.. When i say "country" think the family in that country..

The DS is promoting global socialism..The schools teach the kids socialism. Coincidence?

I know more about this then i can write here frens..But you have all been fooled. The Rothschild is not nr 1..Nor is the house of SA..

Nr 1..Is the quiete..Smart or "Very sharp" as Trump said..Guess what country.

The Wallenbergs are nr 1 (Sweden).. And has been ruling this earth like Sauron himself..

But a very few people can make that connection due to all secrecy..They are ruling in the shadows.

Look at Ericssons company logo, and compare it to Joe Bidens campagin logo..