Not everyone needs to see it, but some do. We welcome every patriot here regardless of skin tone, cultural background, sexuality, religion, or what not. I know that sounds like something a globohomo corp or lefty would say, but dang it I'm not letting the lefty's keep a statement like that just because they act smug and hypocritical about it.
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The way I see it,
It's all about attitude.
It's about freedom and honestly wanting to contribute to society, even if, for some reason you cannot.
I've met all sorts of people I would stand with.
People I never will stand with include : narcissists, secret society people, controlling people, cruel people, callous people, dishonest people.
There is no need for any "right side of history" or "right side of God" attitude here. If you have a question about God, pray on it. If you have a question on history or politics, do your own research.
You will find the answer deep within yourself or through prayer directly way more often than what some stranger tells you. That doesn't mean you can't take advice from people, but that you should trust yourself more than anything on Earth, that's what Q has tried to tell us so often.
exactly, i never even knew people were really different until i was taught in school about it, never thought about skin color
suddenly certain students went home and exposed themselves to msm talking about it
suddenly middle school rolls around and wyat would later become blue haired feminists were running around trying to get free stuff while putting others down
we need to follow Morgan Freeman's advice of "stop talking about it". I hate being meta but I feel like we needed a small reminder to "stop talking about it" which unfortunately looks hypocritical because it involves talking about it lol