to be as annoying and domineering as possible so that people get angry
to force people into a situation where they have to prove they've had whatever the latest injection is to be able to buy or sell or travel.
I do wonder how they will explain it when injected people get the rona? Will they call for more barricades? Because you KNOW they won't simply say "Oh, vax doesn't work".
They are not segregating because of shedding. Whether shedding is real or not, they don't care and I doubt they're trying to make sure we get whatever they have on us. We already saw that Pfizer knew about the possibility of shedding.
They are segregating purely as a control measure, one of the steps required before full on restrictions against anyone who doesn't get injected. It always comes in steps. First they say "We're not interested in doing vaccine passports" while they end goal all along was that you can't even buy food or work without "papers".
Not that they'll succeed, but even though the devil knows he's gonna lose he still doesn't stop trying.
Having said that, I expect this to be incredibly messy. Like, $20/gal gas and skyrocketed taxes kind of messy, not WWIII messy. I'm thinking at this point: whatever makes Democrats wake up and hate Biden is good with me.
to be as annoying and domineering as possible so that people get angry
to force people into a situation where they have to prove they've had whatever the latest injection is to be able to buy or sell or travel.
I do wonder how they will explain it when injected people get the rona? Will they call for more barricades? Because you KNOW they won't simply say "Oh, vax doesn't work".
They are not segregating because of shedding. Whether shedding is real or not, they don't care and I doubt they're trying to make sure we get whatever they have on us. We already saw that Pfizer knew about the possibility of shedding.
They are segregating purely as a control measure, one of the steps required before full on restrictions against anyone who doesn't get injected. It always comes in steps. First they say "We're not interested in doing vaccine passports" while they end goal all along was that you can't even buy food or work without "papers".
Not that they'll succeed, but even though the devil knows he's gonna lose he still doesn't stop trying.
I have all confidence that we will ;-)
Having said that, I expect this to be incredibly messy. Like, $20/gal gas and skyrocketed taxes kind of messy, not WWIII messy. I'm thinking at this point: whatever makes Democrats wake up and hate Biden is good with me.