I re-read the Harry potter books due to a notion i got some few weeks ago..
The Harry Potter series have obviously brainwashed a great many young people (especially women) to be in total obedience for the education system (taken over by the communist decades ago) and turn against their parents (Muggels) as well as the legal authority..
These books just screams MK-ultra/CIA brainwashing..Just think of Dumbledore. That is how they see "Obama" (Hussein)..And the deep state are wizards (Big tech programmers,CIA-agents.Hollywood etc..) House-elves are black people, Black elves are jews etc.. And Wizards are white people with power for the most part..Good and bad.
They see ordinary people like a lot of mid western families as useless muggles they should be in control of for the greater good. The brainwashing with racism in every corner is so obvious in the Harry Potter series, they have just swapped out the words.
Nationalist and patriots who understand what the deep state is..Well they are the Nazi "death eaters"..
This is very clever, because the DS understands how many young people today is looking for a meaning in a meaningless world..So they turn to this crap and larping Harry Potter on the streets. They truly believe people like Donald Trump is Voldemort etc.
You might find this is silly and far fetched, then i dare you look this up yourself..The movies are not as well painted in this subject as in the books, the books is truly some CIA-MK-ultra shit.
With all that said, the Harry potter books is also a window to the truth of our world. How the deep state (the wizards) as well as the white hats (also wizards) has been fighting along time and kept that world away from ordinary people (muggles). The books are quite raveling about the DS plans and how they control the world and look down on ordinary people weakness to not understand the obvious truth..Most people,they know nothing of what reality is.
And to be honest, regarding the young people who have been taking this way of thinking by heart. I don't think it will be possible to turn these people. They are so sick in the head they are beyond reasoning. They wan't to fight the same evil they have become without understanding it..And with their pride, they would never admit it if they even realized it..
So how did all come to this in the end overall? Harry potter is ofc just a part of a greater problem..
Too many western families stopped function the way a family is suppose to work..The deep state made the parents only care about material success (Always working) for expense of the care of their children who set off to "Hogwarts" (college) thirsty for attention and confirmation, something many rarely got from their parents always working...So to put it simply, the DS created a world where the parents gets as little time with their children as possible, with that i allude to the fact that many parents forgot to care about what their children where consuming on their free time and what they were thought in school which they spent a lot of time with communist traitors and such. A lot of cuck-men let the women in their house wear the pants to often who in many instances are really naive to the dealings of the government and the people in the top..Their blind belief many women has in the health system for example.
It's all comes together if you zoom out and look on what happen in the west the last 30 years..
The day i become a parent it will be my priority to have close eye on what my children are consuming at a early age..And teach them morals as fast as possible and that money and power over others is not the answer to everything no matter what they believe, no matter if you think them stupid or intolerant, it don't give them the excuse to rule over them.
J.K Rowling has ties to the Rothschilds..(imagine my fucking shock..)
Nice post, cleverly done. I agree, I can't figure out her clashes with the LGBT communities though- I thought the CIA encouraged 'diversity'.
That is a puzzle. Maybe the programming has worn off.
I guess it's all another division strategy Divided we fall; the more divided, the better (for 'them')