Disgusting travesty. What goes through the minds of those cops following these Stazi orders? And to do it on a busy highway maximizing his humiliation and sending the bully message not to mess with the State. I can't believe I am seeing this but I heard this guy on War Room just a week or so ago. The Mayor of the area is a Muslim and similar services that Muslims hold are not being shut down. This is no anomaly - it is a deliberate provocation and attempt to exercise illegitimate power.
Disgusting travesty. What goes through the minds of those cops following these Stazi orders? And to do it on a busy highway maximizing his humiliation and sending the bully message not to mess with the State. I can't believe I am seeing this but I heard this guy on War Room just a week or so ago. The Mayor of the area is a Muslim and similar services that Muslims hold are not being shut down. This is no anomaly - it is a deliberate provocation and attempt to exercise illegitimate power.