My fellow Patriots I see red pill topics discussed here from all kinds of different subjects. One of the most interesting rabbit holes that I feel we as digital soldiers have not explored enough is Antarctica. Just think about it. What do you know about Antarctica? How often do you hear anything at all regarding Antarctica in the news? How many Q posts covered Antarctica? How often, if ever, did Trump talk about Antarctica? Antarctica is the only place on Earth where every country has agreed to no conflict/war. There is no country on Earth where there is peace within it's own borders, yet somehow every country on our planet decided that Antarctica is so important than we can have World peace there, and there alone? No ordinary citizens are allowed to venture deep into Antarctica. Only authorized "Military personnel, scientists, and celebrities" are allowed there, why?
Here is the little bit of information going back to WW2 that I can find about Antarctica, and it ain't much. It seems that during WW2 the nazi's managed to establish a base in Antarctica, dubbed "Neuschwabenland". Shortly after WW2 the United States military deemed it important enough to send a large naval fleet headed by Admiral Richard Byrd in a project called Operation Highjump to go down to Antarctica. I've seen various theories as to what exactly went down in Antarctica when Admiral Byrd got there. Ranging from UFO activity, entrances to a hollow Earth, discovery of frozen Giants/Nephilim, etc. Whatever it is, it must be World changing for every country on Earth to agree on peace in this area of the World and this area alone.
Fast Forward to more recently and a few years ago it was uncovered that there are Pyramids in Antarctica resembling the same ones found in Egypt, despite the fact that the bullshit mainstream history textbooks say Humans only discovered Antarctica in 1820. Who/what built those pyramids within the last 200 years? Or were they there long before? Why did Buzz Aldrin, who traveled down to Antarctica in 2018, have to be medically evacuated out of there and tweet that Antarctica "Is evil itself" with a picture of the Antarctic pyramids only to delete the tweet shortly after? Why did John Kerry travel to Antarctica of all places immediately after Hillary lost the election in 2016? What were the Mysterious Waves radiating from Antarctica in 2017 shortly before the Q team starting posting?
Unfortunately there are FAR more questions than answers when it comes to Antarctica. It is in my opinion the least discussed/researched topic in the entire rabbit hole perhaps because it is the last thing the satanic cabal wants us to uncover. Whatever is going on there is SO big that even the Q team and Trump have not said much about it. The only thing from the Q team regarding Antarctica is from Q post #2566 showing a picture of a Patriot holding a "Q & WWG1WGA" sign in Antarctica, but that is all we got from the Q team. Makes you wonder what on God's green Earth is going on down there? Only time will tell. I would love if any fellow anons and researchers have more information to add. God bless. WWG1WGA!
It's the earthly tomb of Lucifer himself. It was the Cabal members of the World's Govt's that declared peace there. There's been talks held there multiple times, and you forgot to mention New Zealand, where TONS of known Cabal-ites have built doomsday shelters for themselves. It's also one of the few places where EVERY major head of EBERY major religion have made pilgrimages to, at the SAME times.
With what we KNOW is fact about the Cabal and who [their] Master truly is, I can only come to the conclusion it's the very tomb Lucifer and his minions were banished to after their earthly bodies perished. I also believe ADM Byrd's accounts, as well as Forestal's accounts about there being a secret underground base with at least one undersea passage that houses at least one reptilian faction from at least one other planet in the galaxy. I also believe this is why [they] are trying so hard to terraform the planet thru the multiple chemtrail programs. There's no coincidence in [their] "reasoning" narratives that we only have about 9 yrs left before "muh climate change" becomes "irreversible," either. It seems to me that [they] are preparing Earth for an "arrival," of sorts.
Think about this: why would climate scientists, including meteorologists, ALL agree that clouds form blankets over the surface and trap heat at the lower levels? Greenhouse gases do, as well. So does any other particulate matter floating around in the atmosphere. The cooling process only starts to take shape after a few hundred years of near constant sun blockage. Deep core ice samples have proved this, time and again.
I believe that ALL of what OP posted and what I've just said are connected, they're connected to Lucifer and the rise of Luciferianism, it's connected to the sudden accelerated pace of technological advancements since the 1930's, and it's all connected to the overall history of the Cabal and ultimately, the rest of Humanity. Looking at everything we see and h are thru this lens provides one of the only logical explanations for the "weirdness" surrounding Antarctica.
Oh, and I also believe [they] were forced to finally acknowledge the existence of Antarctica because of the discovery of ancient seafaring maps that CLEARLY show a continent in the middle of the Southern Ocean. This would also "coincide" with the British Crown absorbing Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania in the middle of th 19th Century. Could the "discovery" of these islands and their subsequent Crown "colonization" be connected, too? I think so. Because once those islands were found, apparently using some of the maps that show Antarctica BEFORE it was "discovered, it was finally no longer a trip that would've taken too long to feasibly make round trip from either India or S.Africa.
Remember, too, that the Cabal has been working on [their] plan for at least 6,000 yrs. Most likely, really, since the Fall of Lucifer. This is the ULTIMATE game of patience. EVERYTHING that has happ ND in our collective history has led Humanity to this very place. ALL major world events for AT LEAST the last 2 millennia have been orchestrated and facilitated by [them]. From Jesus Christ's crucifixion to now, EVERY major world event can be traced back to [them]. Either overtly or covertly, [they] have been at the h heart of it all. Yes, including our Founding Fathers. Remember, most of them were 33° Scottish Rite Freemasons, and some belonged to more than on "secret" "society."
Just my opinion thoughts on Antarctica. For me it's the only thing that makes sense.
Interesting thoughts.