Thanks for this perspective. It makes sense with all the weird things happening during inaugeration and first week of Biden presidency. Do you remember hunter Biden's voice getting picked up in the first executive order signing and he was talking about how he took the plea deal or something along those lines?
It also explains why the white house has been empty and why green screens had to be used. Why live events claimed to be in DC were happening in Georgia.
He's not hosting any events or foreign leaders, rarely leaves the WH for anything. Works from 930a - 3p 4 days per week. Fridays, he shows up for a cup of coffee then heads to Delaware.
Thanks for this perspective. It makes sense with all the weird things happening during inaugeration and first week of Biden presidency. Do you remember hunter Biden's voice getting picked up in the first executive order signing and he was talking about how he took the plea deal or something along those lines?
It also explains why the white house has been empty and why green screens had to be used. Why live events claimed to be in DC were happening in Georgia.
He's not hosting any events or foreign leaders, rarely leaves the WH for anything. Works from 930a - 3p 4 days per week. Fridays, he shows up for a cup of coffee then heads to Delaware.