Everyone needs to say this out loud once a day. The Swamp is a Uni-Party.
Red vs. Blue is the illusion of choice.
Republican VP Pence - certified the knowingly fraudulent election with the help of every single Red Senator except for 7. The election was done on dirty voting machines that the BUSH family introduced to the USA.
Q said in QDrop #68: Can we expose every crooked politician? 70%.
Not just Dems. I swear I'm a broken record.
This isn't a Republican vs. Democrat issue.
Everyone needs to say this out loud once a day. The Swamp is a Uni-Party. Red vs. Blue is the illusion of choice.
Republican VP Pence - certified the knowingly fraudulent election with the help of every single Red Senator except for 7. The election was done on dirty voting machines that the BUSH family introduced to the USA.
Q said in QDrop #68: Can we expose every crooked politician? 70%.
70% of every politician you look at - state local federal county - is DIRTY. That is an awful lot of Republicans.
We as a community can NOT wake others up if we still think or talk or act as if this is a Red vs. Blue issue.